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Sunday, February 05, 2006

sex & relationships

I love you, I think
say it too soon and you're a loser, don't say it at all and you're a cold-hearted cow, so why are those three words so damn complicated?

Saying (gulp!) "I love you"
They are the three most significant words in the English language. Deliver them at the right time to the right person and the first time they're said out loud calls for champagne. Blurt them out at the wrong time to the wrong person and you need a stiff drink for totally different reasons.

So, what if he says, "That's nice. Anyway, as I was sayingA."? Or looks at you with pity and says, "I think you're awfully sweet, it's just thatA."? Or, what if he says nothing at all? Timing is everything.

Say "I love you" too soon and you not only look desperate, you lose power and dignity instantly. Leave it too late and you risk missing that magic moment that could launch you both into the next stage of your relationship. So, how do you judge when it's appropriate to let the cat out of the bag?

So, what if he says, "That's nice. Anyway, as I was sayingA."? Or looks at you with pity and says, "I think you're awfully sweet, it's just thatA."? Or, what if he says nothing at all? Timing is everything.

Say "I love you" too soon and you not only look desperate, you lose power and dignity instantly. Leave it too late and you risk missing that magic moment that could launch you both into the next stage of your relationship. So, how do you judge when it's appropriate to let the cat out of the bag?

Make sure you both speak the same language

Your "I love you" might mean, "I think this is special, let's give it a go." His interpretation might be "When's the wedding?" If you think your partner will overreact, tack something onto the end like, "Don't panic - I'm not about to propose. I'm just telling you how I feel."

Wait until you're absolutely bursting

Like, you'll explode if you don't say it right now. Wait until you're 150% convinced you mean it. And no, you cannot possibly mean it after three dates.

If you're saying it first, sneak it into the conversation

Who says it first? Whoever's bravest. The coward's way out is to say, "I think I'm falling in love with you." If your amour looks at you in horror, you can always say, "Don't panic, I know it's just casual with us. I was only kiddingA."

Another less traumatic option is to pop it at the very end of a conversation when you can disappear immediately after saying it. Like just before you walk through the doors to catch a plane or at the end of a phone call. "Love you," then clunk.

Dropping the "I" off also makes it less heavy because "Love you" is what you say to your mum. This way, if the object of your affection looks sideways at you, you can always add, "As a friend, of course."

Don't ask

Never, ever follow up an "I love you" with, "Do you love me?" If he does he'll tell you immediately. If he doesn't, or if he's not ready to say it, he'll be forced to say something he may not want to say. Dignity demolished.


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